Science and technology

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Number idioms


it takes two to tango = you are responsible, too

like two peas in a pod = very similar

not give two hoots about = not to care about

two wrongs don’t make a right = just because a lot of people say the same, it’s not true

take five = take a brief break

at sixes and sevens = in confusion

dressed to the nines = wearing fashionably elegant clothes

feel/look like a million bucks = feel great and healthy

a picture is worth a thousand words = a picture is more informative than speech

back to square one = back to where we started

kill two birds with one stone = achieve two aimes at once

in two shakes of a lamb’s tail = very quickly

Science and technology idioms


well-oiled machine = sg. that operates smoothly

run out of steam = lose enrgy

be on the same wavelength = think in agreement

pull the plug = put an end

acid test = decisive test

bells and whistles = equipped with fancy gadgets

hit the panic button = react with panic

blow a fuse = lose one’s temper

cog in the machine = unimportant person

reinvent the wheel = do what has already been done

Shape idioms


love triangle = two people in love with the same person

move in the same circles with sb. = have the same taste as the group you belong to

a square answer/deal = an honest …

a vicious circle = a chain of events that go to the worse

speak /talk in circles = make no progress

go back to square one = start over again

to square the circle = to solve an impossible task

to square up = settle the bill

be a square peg in a round hole = does not fit in

square meal = big and nutritious meal

be fair and square = treat sb. impartially

come/go full circle = return to the starting point

Technology phrasal verbs


break in = enter by force

close down = shut down

crank up = make faster

filter out = remove after filtering

back up = save files to an outer drive

scroll down = move down on a page

set up = start sg.

jazz up = make it more interesting

be down = not functioning

blow up = make larger

bounce back = come back

break down = stop working